How to Outsource Content Writing? (2024 Guide for Marketers, CEOs, etc.)

60% of marketers say content like blog posts is their highest-quality source of leads. Businesses that understand this often decide to outsource content.

In this guide, we will show you how to outsource content writing, whether you should choose freelance writers or an agency, and the best outsourcing places.

How to Outsource Content Writing?

Here is how to outsource content writing in 8 steps:

  1. Define your goals and scope
  2. Set a realistic budget
  3. Choose your outsourcing model (agency or freelance writers)
  4. Request content samples
  5. Negotiate contracts and terms
  6. Create detailed content briefs
  7. Review and assess the content quality
  8. Evaluate and track performance

Let’s look at each step in more detail.

1. Define Your Goals and Scope

Outsource Blog Posts - Define Your Goals and Scope

Without well-defined goals, your content writers are essentially working in the dark. They need to know what you want to achieve with your content; they will then create pieces that align with your strategy.

Are you looking to drive website traffic, generate leads, increase brand awareness, or educate your audience? Are you launching a new product, expanding into new markets, or want to increase customer retention?

Next, determine your scope.

Define the specific types of content you need, either blog posts, website copy, social media posts, white papers, case studies, or something else. Plus, decide how much content you need and how often you need it. Do you need a few pieces per week or a bulk order delivered monthly?

Suppose you are a CEO or Marketing Director in a SaaS company and decide to invest more in your website’s blog. Your SMART goal statement might be something like:

“Within the next 3 months, we will increase the conversion rate of blog visitors to trial users by 20% by improving our blog content and optimizing our call-to-actions.”

To achieve this result, it’s better to “kind of” share it with the writer:

Hey [Writer’s Name],

Need a blog post: “10 Best AI Writing Tools to Create Better Content in 2024!”

Target audience: Content marketers/copywriters/bloggers.

Goal: Drive traffic & sign-ups for [Your AI Tool Name].

Tone: Informative & engaging.

SEO optimized.

Let me know if you are interested!

This message tells the writer or agency three specific things:

  1. The writer should deeply understand the challenges content marketers, copywriters, and bloggers face. I like to use the PAS formula: I mention key problems, agitate them, and offer the perfect solution (your AI tool, in this case).
  2. The writer should clearly communicate what sets your writing tool apart from competitors.
  3. Your tool should, obviously, be the first on the list of ten. This is where the writer will spend most of their time copywriting. They shouldn’t, in any way, mention negative points that’ll make the reader say, “I think the other nine tools are better.”

2. Set a Realistic Budget

It’s essential to set a realistic budget when outsourcing content writing. This will allow you to get the content quality you need without overspending or compromising your marketing goals. 

But here is the fact: High-quality content typically comes at a higher price.

Experienced writers produce well-researched and accurate content. They invest time in understanding your business, industry, target audience, and specific needs. Therefore, their rate per word or copy is usually high.

Mid-level writers can also create good content, but it might not be as nuanced or captivating. They might need more guidance and editing to make their work shine. Because their rate per word or copy is low, they try to work for as many clients as possible. Thus, the content quality suffers.

But how much should you spend?

How much does it cost to outsource writing?

Outsourcing writing costs can range from $10 for simple blog posts to $2,000 or more for in-depth white papers. Freelance writers typically charge between $25 and $100 per hour, depending on their experience and the project’s complexity.

3. Choose Your Content Outsourcing Model

The two main models for outsourcing content writing are content agencies and freelance writers.

Content Agencies

Content agencies have professional writers, editors, and strategists who are experts in crafting engaging content. They offer services like blog posts, articles, content strategy, website copy, social media content, and more. This allows you to get all your content needs met in one place.

One of the best SEO content writing services is Rank Lyx. We focus on writing SEO-optimized blog posts. We deeply understand SEO best practices and create high-quality content that drives traffic and sales for our clients. Our content samples page showcases our expertise and contains many articles in various industries. 

Freelance Writers

Freelance writers are skilled professionals you can hire without the commitment of full-time employees. They can tackle various projects – from blog posts to white papers – whenever you need them.

After defining your needs, you can search for writers on online platforms like Upwork or LinkedIn. Look for writers with relevant experience and a strong portfolio. Once you’ve found a good fit, communicate clearly and give constructive feedback.

Should You Hire a Content Agency or a Freelance Writer?

Businesses often choose content agencies over freelancers because of their consistent, high-quality content. Unlike freelance writers, agencies are often motivated to deliver exceptional work to maintain their reputation. So you can be sure to get great content constantly.

Below is a table comparing content agencies and freelance writers.

FeatureContent AgenciesFreelance Writers
ExpertiseDiverse expertise across industries and content typesSpecialized expertise in specific niches
ScalabilityEasily scale resources up or down as neededLimited scalability; depends on individual capacity
Project ManagementDedicated project managers handle coordination and communicationClient responsible for project management
Turnaround TimeFaster turnaround due to multiple writers and streamlined processesCan vary depending on writer's workload and availability
CostHigher upfront costs (starts at $1,000/month)More affordable ($25 - $75 per hour)
Quality AssuranceRigorous quality control processes in placeQuality depends on writer's skill and experience
SEO OptimizationTypically includes SEO expertise and optimization as part of the serviceMay or may not have SEO expertise; possible additional cost for optimization
Creative DirectionStrong creative direction and brand consistency across contentCreative direction may be limited; depends on writer's skill

4. Request Content Samples

How to Outsource Content Writing - Request Content Samples

At this point, you defined your goals and scope, set a realistic budget, and chose an outsourcing model. You can either choose a content agency or a freelancer or test both to see what works for you. Now, it’s time to contact them and request content samples.

Samples give you a sneak peek into the writer’s or agency’s abilities! You can assess whether their writing is clear and interesting and whether they have knowledge about the topic you need.

Examine the samples closely. Are there any grammatical errors or typos? Do the sentences flow smoothly and make sense? Is the writing interesting and captivating? If you need blog posts on tech, request samples on similar subjects.

For instance, when AI SaaS businesses contact us, they often request content samples. One of the samples we send them — Best AI Email Assistants — quickly displays our writers’ knowledge and copywriting skills. You can clearly see these skills in review, listicle, and comparison articles.

Most of the time, clients either place an order or fill out this form to request a sample for a topic they have in mind.

Increase Your Website Traffic & Sales With Ready-To-Publish Content!

Let our expert writers transform your ideas into engaging content that drives leads and sales.

5. Negotiate Contract and Terms

This quote is especially true in content outsourcing. Many companies outsource their writing, but not all are happy with the results. Why? Because they don’t share clear expectations. The contract outlines the type of content you need, the desired quality, deadlines, and how you will handle revisions.

But let’s go beyond the usual details like deadlines and payments. We often forget to indicate the source of the information. What does this mean?

Will the writer use your sources or do their own digging? Also, make it clear you want fresh, original ideas, not just stuff copied from the top-ranking posts.

Why should you discuss research methods and originality at the beginning?

As a content manager, I’ve seen the fallout when I don’t define research and originality upfront. I once hired a writer who seemed promising, but after delivering the first draft, it was obvious they’d simply scraped the top few Google results. I couldn’t find the thought leadership piece I sought – one with new perspectives and original information.

I spent countless hours on revisions and coaching to salvage the piece. It was a painful lesson. Since then, I clearly state my expectations:

This clarity prevents misunderstandings and helps you get the content you’re paying for.

6. Create Detailed Content Briefs

A content brief instructs and guides content writers on creating the desired content. It includes the topic, target audience, desired tone and style, word count, keywords (if applicable), and any specific points to be covered.

Outsource Content Writing - Create Detailed Content Briefs

Your content brief could look like this:

  • Title: How to Choose the Right CRM for Your Business
  • Purpose: To guide business owners and managers through the process of selecting a CRM
  • Target Audience: Small to medium-sized business owners, Marketing managers, Sales managers, Entrepreneurs
  • Key Messages: Understanding CRMs, business needs, features and budget, vendor reliability
  • Keywords: Choosing a CRM, best CRM systems, customer relationship management
  • Tone and Style: Friendly, encouraging, and informative
  • CTA: Encourage readers to try our CRM for free for 14 days
  • Deadline: July 10, 2024

Should Your Brief Include an Outline?

It’s highly recommended to include an outline in a brief if you are working with a new or beginner writer.

Creating a good outline is hard, especially for blog posts. Most beginner or intermediate writers I’ve worked with simply copy top-ranking posts. They just open the top 3-5 posts and write common headings. This used to work some time ago, but not anymore.

Nowadays, search engines like Google are smarter. They want to see new and interesting content, not just copies of what’s already out there. In its helpful content guide, Google asked this important question:

  • Does the content provide substantial value when compared to other pages in search results?

What does this question mean for you?

Google loves content that helps people solve problems or learn new skills. It encourages you to think beyond just covering the basics. Think of what unique angle or information your blog post can offer. Instead of just listing general points, consider your readers’ questions and how you can answer them thoroughly.

If you do not have experience writing content briefs (especially for blog posts), ask the writer to do it for you. Most of the time, creating outlines is included in the content price.


An outline becomes perfect when writing the content itself. You have new ideas you never thought about, and these ideas may deserve to be separate headings. Thus, allow your writer to add new headings when writing, if necessary.

7. Review and Assess the Content Quality

When you outsource content writing, you hire someone else to be your brand’s voice. That’s why it’s crucial to review and assess the content quality.

There are a few key things to consider when reviewing outsourced content.

Depending on your needs and resources, you can have an in-house team member or freelance editor review the content. Either way, it’s important to have a structured process in place. This might involve an initial review, followed by feedback and revisions, and a final approval stage.

8. Assess and Track Performance Regularly

Finally, measure how well the content is achieving its purpose. Check KPIs like traffic, leads, or sales. You’ll understand what’s working and what might need adjustment.

However, business owners and marketers might want to know this.

A writer is like a chef. Accusing a writer for a blog post’s poor ranking is like blaming a chef for a restaurant’s slow service. While the chef’s culinary skills are essential, the overall dining experience depends on the waitstaff and kitchen efficiency.

Similarly, multiple elements beyond the writer’s control affect a blog post’s ranking. I can think about backlinks, keyword difficulty, the website’s topical authority, domain rating, and technical SEO issues.

Even the most well-written article can struggle to rank if these other aspects are not optimized. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider the broader context before placing blame solely on the writer.

And there you have it; you just learned how to outsource content writing in eight simple steps. But let’s dig a few more gems.

What is Content Outsourcing?

In simple terms, content outsourcing is hiring freelance writers or agencies to create content for your business.

These external experts can create blog posts, articles, social media content, videos, and more. This strategy saves time, allows access to specialized skills, and scales content production without hiring in-house staff.

Outsourcing vs In-House Content Writing: Which is Better?

Outsourcing content writing is often better than hiring an in-house writer. First, hiring a writer can be expensive. Secondly, an in-house writer can get sick, go on vacation, or have other unexpected events that slow down content production. And finally, outsourcing eliminates the need to train a new writer.

Let’s compare the cost further.

Full-time writers need a regular paycheck plus benefits like health insurance, paid time off, retirement contributions, and other perks. According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a content writer in the US in 2024 is $60,123/year. This implies an average of $5,010/month.

If your writer needs 2 days to complete a blog post, you can typically expect 2 posts per week or about 8 per month. If you need more articles, you must lower the content quality or hire a second writer.

However, outsourcing lets you pay only for the content you need, whether it’s per project or word. For example, Rank Lyx’s rate is $0.06 per word. With a one-time payment of $3,000, you get 50,000 words (or 25 articles of 2000 words each).

What Types of Writing Can You Outsource?

You can outsource virtually any type of writing, such as:

Best Places to Outsource Content Writing?

Rank Lyx, Upwork, and Fiverr are some of the best places to outsource content writing.

1. Rank Lyx

Rank Lyx - Best Place to Outsource Content Writing

Rank Lyx is a top choice for outsourcing content writing due to its approach to SEO-optimized content creation. Its experienced writers have expertise in multiple industries, including SaaS, travel, fitness, personal finance, pets, food, business, and more.

Rank Lyx also provides special services like Strategic Content Planning and Advanced Topical Maps. Partnering with Rank Lyx means you can expect consistent, high-quality content that boosts traffic and drives leads and sales.

2. Upwork

Fiverr - Outsource Content Writing

Upwork is an online freelancing platform where businesses can find and hire freelancers, including writers. Businesses post detailed descriptions of their projects, including the scope and budget. Interested freelancers then submit proposals. Finally, clients review the proposals and interview shortlisted candidates before hiring.

3. Fiverr

Fiverr is a marketplace that connects freelancers with clients seeking their services. Freelancers create “gigs” that showcase their skills and services. Clients then browse the available gigs and order the services they need. Finally, freelancers complete and deliver the work to the client through the platform.

FAQ on Content Outsourcing

Outsource your writing tasks to save time, access specialized expertise, and get high-quality content consistently.

Outsourcing writing costs can range from $10 for simple blog posts to $2,000 or more for in-depth white papers. Freelance writers typically charge between $25 and $100 per hour, depending on their experience and the project’s complexity.

To know if a writer is good for your business, check their portfolio, client reviews, and communication style. You can also request a free sample or consider a paid trial project.

The time depends on the project scope and the writer’s workload. But it takes 3 – 7 days on average.

Rank Lyx, Upwork, Fiverr, and Textbroker are some of the best places to find writers.

Hire a freelancer if you have a small, one-off project or need a specific skill set on a budget. Choose a content agency for larger, ongoing projects that require a wider range of skills and expertise.

To ensure content quality, provide clear briefs, set quality standards, review drafts, and give constructive feedback.

To manage multiple writers effectively, use project management tools, establish communication channels, and set individual expectations.

If the writer’s work doesn’t meet your expectations, communicate clearly, provide specific feedback, and request revisions. If unresolved, consider ending the contract.

Writers don’t usually charge per hour; they charge per project or word. But if you agree on an hourly rate, you can expect to pay $25 to $150 per hour, depending on the writer’s experience.

Picture of Piaff Dibota

Piaff Dibota

Piaff Dibota, an AI enthusiast and seasoned blogger, blends expertise in AI tools, project management, and blogging. Passionate about exploring innovative applications, Piaff combines practical insights with a strategic approach. Beyond the tech realm, he enjoys reading manga, personal development books and watching funny videos.

Increase Your Website Traffic & Sales With Ready-To-Publish Content!

Let our expert writers transform your ideas into SEO-optimized and engaging blog posts that drive leads and sales.